
South Bay


South Bay

Jesus commands the disciples in Acts 1:8 as follows, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

Jesus is giving a clear pattern to reach out to people closest in proximity to them, then further and further away until they had reached the remotest parts of the earth. We believe Jesus similarly commands us at The Rock.

We desire to reach out to the South Bay of Los Angeles with the gospel of Jesus Christ as our closest proximity people. The South Bay is one of the most culturally, economically, and ethnically diverse areas in the United States. This is exciting and challenging. Our prayer is that God uses us at The Rock to reach our communities, neighbors, families, co-workers, fellow students, and anyone that God brings to us in the love and saving power of Jesus Christ.


Family Promise

Family Promise

The Rock Covenant Church is committed to being Jesus' witnesses not only in closest proximity to us, but extending out further into the South Bay. As a congregation, The Rock is honored to partner with Family Promise of the South Bay.

Family Promise offers a permanent solution to local homelessness and an exit plan from the cycle of poverty.  The Rock is part of a coalition of churches in the South Bay that will be hosting and serving homeless families, until the parent(s) have secured work positions and a place of  residence.   

Homes of Hope

Homes of Hope

The Rock Covenant Church desires to witness for Jesus both locally and globally through relational outreach, sacrificial service, radical hospitality, generous giving, and compassionate commitment.

Every summer, The Rock partners with Youth With A Mission's Homes of Hope to build a home alongside an impoverished family in northern Mexico. With dozens of families participating each year, and children as young as age two helping paint, The Rock has completed many homes, and is looking forward to doing more to give families a chance to create a safe, stable home.


Mercy's Village

Mercy's Village

Mercy's Village International was started in 2009 with the goal of restoring and empowering young children through education, specifically in Northern Uganda, an area ravaged by decades of civil war.  Under the direction and vision of Rock member Jeami Duncan, Mercy's Village established a primary school in Gulu, Uganda in 2010. The Rock Church has supported this organization, and the school, through direct financial support, fundraising events, and by sending teams to Uganda on a regular basis.  We are proud to be a part of the work God is doing through Mercy's Village, and we look forward to continuing this relationship on a long-term basis.  For more information on Mercy's Village, please visit, or contact Jeami Duncan at