The Rock Covenant Church main service meets every Sunday evening at 4:30pm for worship through music, prayer, and Bible teaching. The Rock seeks to be a welcoming, grace-filled community where we worship God in spirit and truth. Children are welcome to join us for special programming for children from nursery school through fifth grade. Our youth program is designed for kids from sixth through twelfth grade and meets Wednesday evenings at 4:30pm.
The Rock believes the church is first and foremost a community of followers of Jesus. Therefore we strive to share our lives together in community throughout the week.
Small groups rise organically within The Rock Covenant Church to meet for regular Bible study, encouragement, prayer, and discipleship. Each of our groups pursues unique activities and has a diverse membership. While some meet weekly, monthly or mainly for outreach events, the goal of all groups is to come together to worship Christ and encourage each other’s unique spiritual walk. Please contact if you are interested in learning more about the small groups at The Rock or to find support in starting a new small group within our community.
Since the beginning of the church, The Rock has been determined to be a prayerful body of Christ. We gather to pray for our church, our community, and our world. We pray seeking God’s wisdom from His Word, God's will for our lives, God's power to trust in Him, God's salvation for all, God's strength for the sick, and God's healing for the world. We believe that prayer makes us totally dependent on God and we see things happen in ways we could not possibly do on our own. Everyone is welcome to join us in prayer, to share in God’s presence with one another, and to bring needs and concerns before our faithful God. Please come as you are and join us for an hour of prayer. Please contact Pastor Curt for more information!
Women at The Rock gather regularly to connect with one another and with Jesus through weekly Bible studies, regular social events, and conferences. The women’s’ ministries at The Rock aims to encourage, support, and nurture relationships with God, friends, and family. The women’s ministry is a great place to find new friendships, community, and healing, and offers a place to grow and learn to follow Christ together.
Susan Wiley leads The Rock's Women's Ministry. If you have any prayer needs, want to get involved, or thoughts about cultivating community with Rock women, please contact her at suzwiley [at]
Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study meets weekly on Tuesdays from 9:30am-11:15am in Manhattan Beach. Please contact sheri [at] for more information. (No childcare provided.)
Tuesday Evening Women’s Bible Study meets every-other Tuesday at 7:30pm in El Segundo. Contact shariljones [at] for more information.
The vision of Men's Ministry is to equip well-balanced, disciples of Christ. Our interactions with each other, whether in large groups or small, whether in play or study, are built on the principles of trust, transparency, prayer, and above all, a deep commitment to know and share in the loving fellowship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We are currently meeting once a month at a different home for some food and fellowship. This is a great time to get together and share a meal, unwind, and discuss what God is doing in our lives. Feel free to jump in to any one of these as the topics change each week! Contact us for more information!
The Rock Youth Ministry seeks to build a community of disciples among middle school and high school students in the greater South Bay area. Heather Buchta leads the sixth through twelfth grade students in Bible study, worship, prayer, and community. The Rock Youth also has regular outreach nights, such as go karting, rock climbing, and beach parties, where everyone is encouraged to bring their friends. The youth also regularly partners with ministries and organizations throughout the Los Angeles area to actively serve and love our neighbors.
The Rock Youth Ministry seeks to help youth grow in their understanding of Scripture through regular teaching and Bible study, in following Jesus through regular small group and one-on-one meetings, in community through group events, and in the grace and peace and love of Jesus Christ through full participation and relationships in the larger Rock community.
For more information, please contact
We believe that parents are the primary faith influencers in their child’s life. We seek to partner with families to help kids become fully developed followers of Christ through personal example, Biblical teaching, global outreach and having fun.
Rock Kids meets every Sunday (except for Family Worship Weekend) at 4:30 pm. Rock Kids is a fun and safe place for kids from birth through 5th grade to dig in and learn about God. We currently have two classrooms - Babies & Toddlers (For birth through 3 years), & Elementary (Preschool through 5th grade). Each classroom has at least two loving adults, teaching simple Bible points that kids not only learn, but experience. We hope to help kids not just know about God, but really know God.
To help parents positively influence their child’s spiritual life, we email out a devotion and actvity which reviews what the child learned the previous Sunday. We encourage our parents to do the devotional as a family in the middle of the week as it will help remind and cement the lesson in the child’s mind.
For questions or more information, contact Cameron Coulter, the Children’s Director, at or (760) 831-0383.